Since 1990

BBFC now using VEO technology
Southern Summer 9s –
Mixed, 15 years and over
2020/21 Draw
As an extended version of the summer 6s, this competitive format is targeted to the more serious players. Tuesday evenings beginning October 27 through until the end of February. Two 20 minute halves, 9 v 9 on a full size field. Accommodating players aged 15 and over, this competition lends itself to aspiring players that are serious about their
sport. Dependent on team nominations, the organising committee may propose a youth pool for boys and girls with age considerations allowed for in the draw based on gender or mix, as well as the premier pool dedicated to mixed teams of men and women at the senior competitive level. $720 registration fee per team*.
Before you register, please read the competition rules, complete the team nomination form below and email it to mens@bbfc.org.au.
Team nomination form excel version or pdf version
Nominations close on Thursday, 23 October 2020. The competition will run from Tuesday the 27th of October 2020 through until mid February 2021. Late nominations will be considered depending on numbers and team draw.
Games will be played at the Calwell playing fields, off Were Street.
How to Register
The FFA and Capital Football require all participants to register using their FFA player number online via www.playfootball.com.au. This is also how your insurance is managed.
If you do not have an FFA number, you will need to request one via www.playfootballcom.au as part of the registration process. This is a requirement set by Football Federation Australia and is a simple, free process to generate one. Once you have your FFA number you can proceed with the rest of the registration steps.
Please log in to www.playfootball.com.au with your FFA number and select Brindabella Blues Football Club followed by the appropriate package and be mindful to answer the additional questions relevant to your selected package. These questions are important to assist the organising committee in providing you with the best possible football experience over the summer.
Please remember that all BBFC Summer programs support respect, fun, fair play, and always conducted with a positive message and spirit. All players are to abide by the attached FFA Code of Conduct at all times, and spectators are also expected to abide by the following spectator code; www.capitalfootball.com.au/spectator-code.
More information can be found in the separate attachments which detail the rules governing the social and competitive aspects of this summer competition. It should be noted that these games are governed by modified rules, guided only by the official FIFA Laws of the game. Any questions should be directed to mens@bbfc.org.au.
#Recommended team size is 12 players, maximum 16 players. Due to the club accepting individual registrations, teams may be allocated additional players by the sub-committee.
++Game times to be confirmed based on field availability via the ACT govt.
*Players not registered for the regular 2020 winter competition will be required to pay an additional $12 insurance levy