Since 1990

BBFC now using VEO technology

Mailing Address
PO Box 364
Calwell ACT 2905
Ken Yalg
0404 009 077
If you have any specific enquiries, you may like to check out our
Club Officials Page to find a contact.
Home Ground Address
Calwell Playing Fields
Were St
Providing feedback
BBFC is a community-based sporting club providing opportunities for people of all ages and both genders to enjoy the game of football in a friendly yet competitive environment, where all participants (players and non-players) are treated, and treat others, with respect, fairness, and good manners.
The Club is always looking to improve the services and environment it provides and therefore appreciates any suggestions and feedback you may have regarding the operations of the Club. Please see any of the Committee Members at the grounds or contact the President. The contact details of the President and other Committee Members can be found on the Club Officials Details page.
The Club also understands that from time to time disputes, disagreements, and grievances will arise between, or involve, club members, their families and supporters. The Club is also conscious of its responsibility to provide a safe and encouraging environment for children where they are protected from abuse in any form, harassment of any kind and from any action by any person that may diminish their enjoyment of football.
The Club has a Complaint Handling Policy to inform club officials, members and interested parties of the process involved with reporting complaints concerned with decisions made or service supplied by BBFC or by BBFC officials.
A player or parent/guardian should first contact the relevant person concerned if it is a personal problem or the position holder who’s responsibility relates to the area of complaint to attempt to resolve the complaint informally.
If the matter is not resolved informally, the complaint should be lodged with the Member Protection Officer (MPO). If the MPO is involved or has any relation to the complaint or persons concerned with the complaint then the Management Committee will appoint an impartial person to act.
Please use the Complaint Report Lodgement Form to lodge any complaints.The contact details of the MPO can be found on the
Club Officials Details (Regulatory Group) page.